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ELOGE Program

Duration2018 - 2023
Project purposeONLINE education
PartnersEU Commission, ALDA Italy

Info about the Eloge Program

The European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) is a program headed by the Council of Europe involving the awarding of municipalities with a crystal dodecahedron for meeting certain benchmarks of good governance. This project intends to use the 12 principles followed by ELoGE to assess local governments in order to determine ways in which improvements could be made.

1) Participation, representation, fair conduction of elections;
2) Responsiveness;
3) Efficiency and effectiveness;
4) Openness and transparency;
5) Rule of Law;
6) Ethical conduct;
7) Competence and Capacity;
8) Innovation and Openness to Change;
9) Sustainability and long-term orientation;
10) Sound Financial management;
11) Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion;
12) Accountability

The procedure to be accredited to implement the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) has the following stages:

  • Accreditation – entities or platforms can  to implement ELoGE. If the Council of Europe agrees that they meet accreditation criteria, the entities concerned are given the responsibility to implement ELoGE with municipalities of a given region or country.
  • Implementation– The accredited entity commits to implementing ELoGE in a meaningful number of municipalities by a given deadline. This means translating the benchmark, making necessary adaptations, identifying the municipalities who wish to implement ELoGE and helping them undertake the different steps of ELoGE.
  • Award – The accredited entity awards ELoGE to deserving municipalities that have successfully completed ELoGE. This label, which is valid for one year, is a recognition that a municipality has achieved a high level of good governance according to Council of Europe standards.

More information on https://www.coe.int/en/web/good-governance/eloge.

ELoGE component of the project:

The project partners aim to raise awareness on the ELOGE principles in the municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The core-project activity is the assessment of the local governments using the ELOGE program and capacity building of the municipalities with this principle. 12 municipalities will be engaged in the project and together with the project partners will assess the current situation in the municipalities and will identify better solutions for their own common living thanks to implementation of simple and efficient tools and instruments. Thanks to participative processes, it is possible to find ways to address community problems and challenges.

The Assessment will be then printed and distributed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and EU.

The next phase will be a capacity building and coaching module for participative processes in order to train the civil society and the local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.